Saturday, December 24, 2011

Moms Holiday Cinnamon Cake

For the past 10 years my Christmas' have been very busy. Since my parents divorced 10 years ago I've spent my Christmas'  waking up at home with my mom and getting ready to go to my aunts house (my dads sister) after that we go over to my dads house to spend the night and wake up there opening presents. After that we head home and open presents at my moms house and eat breakfast. After relaxing soon after my mom and I slave in the kitchen to prepare dinner. Anyway, the reason of explaining my traditional Christmas plans is that always at the end of Christmas my family sits down and enjoys my moms holiday cinnamon cake. I wanted to share this because it brings me such joy and after every Christmas I like to sit back and finally appreciate everything that has to do with the celebration of Christmas. In a way its a finalization of Christmas or the "Cherry on Top". I just love the way she decorates it.

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